Scrim Structure

This page details how the bot handles Scrims, and gives an overview on what commands should be used when.

This section is for Scrim Hosts, but Scrim Players may be interested in this page so that they understand how the bot works.

Scrim Stages:

Scrims can be broken up into three distinct stages:



1 - Start of Scrim

The point when the scrim is starting, and the first game is about to be played.

2 - Scrim Games are Played

Multiple games are played within the scrim, each requiring a new Game ID collector and Placement Info on ScrimBot Premium.

3 - End of Scrim

All the games in the scrim have ended, and no more GameID's need to be collected.

Each of these stages have a unique command to tell the bot what you want to do.

Stage 1: Start of Scrim

You are about to start playing some scrim games, and you want to use ScrimBot to collect Game ID's.

At this point, you want to start a new scrim using the -NewScrim command. See here for more info:

Starting a New Scrim

Stage 2: Scrim Games are Played

Presumably, you are going to have more than one game played in your scrim.

Every time you start a new game (you just finished one game and are about to jump into a new one), you need to tell the bot you are doing so using the -NewGame command. See here for more info:

Starting a New Game

Stage 3: End of Scrim

You've had your fun playing the scrim games, but now the scrim has finished.

In order to stop players from adding anymore Game ID's or Placement Info in ScrimBot Premium, you should tell the bot that the scrim has ended using the -EndScrim command. See here for more info:

Ending a Scrim

Last updated