Inviting ScrimBot

This page details how to invite ScrimBot to your Discord server.


Already know how to invite bots to your Discord server? If so, simply click here and proceed to the next page on configuring ScrimBot.

ScrimBot requires the "Administrator" permission to ensure that all commands work regardless of how your server is configured. If you do not have this permission and invite ScrimBot, things may not work.

If you do invite the bot without having the correct permissions, please get one of the admins of the server to grant the "ScrimBot" role the Administrator permission.

How to invite ScrimBot:

All Discord bots are invited with the same process: you are given an invite link, you choose which server you want to invite the bot to, then you prove you aren't a robot. Simple!

To begin, please click here. This will bring up a page asking where you want to invite the bot to.

From the drop-down menu, choose the server you want ScrimBot invited to:


From there, press "Authorize" and click on the "I am not a robot" captcha.

Great! ScrimBot should now be in your server!

If for some reason ScrimBot does not show up in your server, ensure you have the "Administrator" permission and that you selected the right server.

Now, you should be ready to configure ScrimBot for your server!

Last updated