This page is a "Table of Contents" on the various commands that ScrimBot has.
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This page is a "Table of Contents" on the various commands that ScrimBot has.
Last updated
Need to quickly understand the ScrimBot commands? Here is a summary:
The use of <> details a required field, and the user of [] details an optional field.
ScrimBot Premium: (Check the ScrimBot Premium section of the wiki for more info on these commands). All commands here are in addition to the commands listed above.
These commands can be used by anyone.
To add your GameID, use the -GameID command:
To fix your GameID, use the -FixGameID command:
To add your placement, use the -Placement command: The placement command is a Premium feature!
These commands can be used by anyone with the "Manage Server" permission or those who have a role that includes the words "Scrim Host".
If this is your first time using ScrimBot, you should read the following page which outlines how Scrims operate:
To start a new scrim, use the -NewScrim command:
To start a new game, use the -NewGame command:
To end a scrim, use the -EndScrim command:
To generate the most up-to-date leaderboard, use the -Leaderboard command: The leaderboard command is a Premium feature!
-gameid <4 digit gameid>
Adds your GameID to the current game.
To fix your GameID if you get it wrong, simply retype the command with the correct GameID!
-newscrim <game type> <scored>
Starts a new scrim. Valid types are solo, duo or squad. Unless you are on Scrimbot Premium, you must respond with "no" when asked if you want a scored scrim.
Starts a new game in the current scrim.
Ends the current scrim (stops data collection).
Moves all members with the captain role (if specified) to your voice channel.
-purge <number between 1 and 100>
Purges all non-pinned messages up to the specified amount.-
-placement <placement> [kills]
Adds your placement info for the current game.
To fix your placement if you get it wrong, simply retype the command with the correct placement information!
Commands with an * indicate you must be captain of your duo team.
-createduo <team name>
Creates a new duo team with the given name (do not include the <>).
-inviteduo <player name>
Adds a player to your duo team (if they are not already in a duo team). *
-kickduo <player name>
Kicks a player from your duo team. *
Removes you from your current duo team.
-changeduoname <new name>
Changes the name of your duo team. *
-transfercaptainduo <new captain>
Transfers captain from you to the specified player. *
-duoinfo [team name]
Shows who is in your duo team (or optionally, who is in the team you specified).
-leaderboard <type>
Shows an up-to-date leaderboard of the specified type.
-changesoloscore <player name> <new score>
Changes the score of the specified player to the specified value.
-changeduoscore <team name> <new score>
Changes the score of the specified duo team to the specified value.
-changesquadscore <team name> <new score>
Changes the score of the specified squad team to the specified value.
(Experimental): deletes all undefined players from all the leaderboards.
-resetleaderboard <type>
Completely resets the specified leaderboard. Irreversible.
(Experimental): displays all duo teams and members.