Welcome to ScrimBot!

This page gives a brief outline of what ScrimBot does, and why you should add it to your Discord server!

This documentation is for ScrimBot Beta. There is very little configuration with the normal ScrimBot, so you should be able to just use -help on it.

When ScrimBot Beta leaves beta, this documentation will apply to the normal one.

What is ScrimBot?

ScrimBot is a Discord helper bot that aims to make scrims in Fortnite much easier to setup, manage and process. With a range of features, ScrimBot covers the A to Z of scrims, ensuring that your scrim works as smoothly as possible with little effort on the hosts behalf.

For Example....

Are you a scrim player, who hates having to read through masses of GameID messages to see who is in your lobby? No worries - ScrimBot collects and displays all GameID's in one simple message, so you simply have to take a quick look to see how many people are in your game.

Or are you a scrim host, trying to run the scrim when all of a sudden, a team randomly joins and asks for a role, forcing you to now frantically scramble to create it before you start the rest of the scrim?

What is ScrimBot Premium?

Are you a scrim host, who hates having to spend hours going through hundreds of DM's with placements, to create an up-to-date leaderboard?

If so (and you probably are!) you'll love ScrimBot Premium.

ScrimBot Premium is a paid version of ScrimBot that adds additional features, such as automatic leaderboard generation and placement management.

More information can be found here:

Sounds Great! How do I get started?

To get started with the invitation and setup process, please check out the following page:

Last updated